Monday, January 23, 2006

jack bauer

Nobody fucks with Jack. He's the MAN.

in my list of all-time greatest TV shows, 24 is at least in the top 5.


Anonymous said...

I love Jack Bauer. He is definitely the man. I've been a little disappointed with his body count so far, however. :-p

"24" is one of the best shows on TV. The acting is top notch, as is the direction, production, etc., etc. It is only one of two shows that I go out of my way to sit down and watch every week.

Jimmy said...

yeah but you gotta admit, the few bodies he's racked up SO FAR have been freaking awesome!!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah, definitely. When he stormed through CTU to go get information out of that Spencer guy, I literally got chills. I still remember what he did a few seasons back when he went in to interrogate a guy and just ended up shooting him. Hehe. Fortunately for Spencer, he got a clue and fessed up real quick. ;-)

Jack is freakin' awesome.

Jimmy said...

or blowing up the terrorist with his own explosive vest. sweet.

Anonymous said...

LOL! Yep. That was pretty damn cool.

Tonight's Jack Bauer-related fatality involved the use of medical scissors.

Jack's body count may be a bit down so far, but he is being a bit more creative.

And just to note, I don't usually condone violence, but watching Jack Bauer take it to terrorists in a brutal way is quite entertaining and satisfying to the primitive little part of my heart. ;-)

Anonymous said...

24 is so good I don't watch it. I wait till it comes out on DVD box set. I can't wait a week to see what Jack does next.

Only thing lame about 24 is the CTU agents. They have the life expectancy of a gnat. Get some data, secure a witness, or watch Jack's back is a sign of impending death. They remind me of the red sweater, security dweebs that always get killed on Star Trek.

Actually, 24 is my 2nd favorite show. I like Battle Star Galactica the best.

Anonymous said...

Battlestar Galactica is the only other show that I make sure I'm in front of the TV to watch every week. (this doesn't count NASCAR races, of course.)

And you're right, most of the CTU agents are the equivalent to the "red shirt" guys from Star Trek. There are a few who make it more than one season, however.

Anonymous said...

Have to agree with you there... Jack is the man... LOL...

I have a nervous breakdown during every episode... I get so stressed out...

Oh and the scissor stabbing?? Ewee... Loved it!!!!!

Anonymous said...

LOL! Jack keeps the task of killing off terrorists interesting for us, that's for sure.