Tuesday, March 14, 2006


Tell you what, if the US military women were a little more like the chinese military women as shown here......

then maybe i'd be a little more receptive to the joke that women in the military are equal to men. But as long as we have the current situation of things like

- women's fitness standards being half of men's and even THEN they can't do it.
- women in the military (or maybe just the air force) being unable to lift furniture

so until stuff like that goes away, I'm going to laugh in your face if you suggest chicks are equal.


Anonymous said...

Equal is physical fitness? NOoo...

Equal with common sense? Nooo.....

Men maybe more physically fit but they'll never be more smarter than women....That's a fact...

This post alarms me...upsets me. men and women may not be equal in every aspect but goodness this is the 21st century.


Jimmy said...

they'll never be more smarter?

not at english they no be smart at apparently.

i don't care what century we're in, the longer the military is used for social engineering the more damage gets done. let's start being realistic and leave the men's jobs to the men and stop pretending everything is equal just to spare some hurt feelings.